How To Use Your Email Signature To Market Your Next Event

As well as your email marketing campaign, you can use your general business newsletters and signature to engage current customers in your next big event or promotion. In short, email signature marketing refers to using your signature as a marketing tool. In other words, achieving your marketing goals even when you are sending out notes […]

Our Guide To Using Instagram Stickers

Instagram has announced that over 500 million people use their stories feature every day. So, if your brand isn’t using this feature then you’re missing out on a huge interactive audience and potential customers. But, how do you effectively market a brand on Instagram stories? Here is our quick guide to  Instagram Stickers and which […]

Our Favourite Creative Newsletters To Inspire Your Next Campaign

When it comes to email marketing your newsletter doesn’t have to be (and shouldn’t be) boring! If you want to inspire and engage your new audiences building a brand that they want to hear more from then you need to start getting creative. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of our favourite creative newsletters to […]

How To Create The Perfect Welcome Email For New Subscribers

Your email marketing strategy should be all about personalisation and creating a welcoming experience for customers who want to hear more from your brand. Loyal customers are crucial for your business as they increase web traffic and materialize sales. Therefore, why not send out a welcome email to new subscribers to your newsletter? This can […]

Email Marketing: How To Create The Perfect Subject Line

Do you want to improve your email marketing open rates? The reason as to whether or not an email is opened, or piques interest from a customer, is often down to the subject line used. Does your subject line give customers a reason to open your email or get them wondering what’s inside? Or, does […]

How To Stop your Emails Being Marked As Spam

So, you’ve written a great email marketing newsletter? You’ve made it look great, it has eye-catching imagery and great call to actions, but once you’ve sent it out its made no sales or not enough traffic to your website? This could be because your emails are being marked as spam, so your customers are never […]

How To Build Your Email Marketing List in 2020 Using Social Media

Do you know if all your followers on social media are signed up for your email newsletter? If not, you could be missing out on giving more information to potential customers who are already supporting, and interested in, your brand. That’s why, today, we’re looking at how you can get more engaged followers to sign […]

5 Facts That Illustrate The Power of Email Marketing

Still not convinced of the power of email marketing?  Here are five facts that will make you rethink your digital marketing campaign to include a monthly email newsletter!   1. Email Marketing Is 40 Times More Effective At Acquiring New Customers Than Facebook Or Twitter Whilst we would never recommend ignoring social media in your […]

Is My Email Marketing Strategy Working?

Email marketing is an integral part of engaging with your customers to create a stronger brand and client relationship. But, how do you track your emails to ensure they are working correctly and getting the right engagement you aimed for? Here’s our guide to tracking your emails to ensure they are as effective as they […]