Our Favourite Creative Newsletters To Inspire Your Next Campaign

When it comes to email marketing your newsletter doesn’t have to be (and shouldn’t be) boring!

If you want to inspire and engage your new audiences building a brand that they want to hear more from then you need to start getting creative.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of our favourite creative newsletters to get you inspired and thinking about how your next campaign can grab the attention of your readers!


1. A Razor-Sharp Introduction

One of our favourite newsletters has to be from The Dollar Shave Club. This company sells disposable razors, which could be a very bland subject. However, they are a great example of a brand that makes sure their newsletters are creative and engaging despite the simplicity of the product they are selling.

The beauty of their newsletter is that it is well laid out and carefully considered to ensure maximum engagement. Take a look at an example of one of their “You’ve left something in your basket without paying” emails below;


The colour scheme for starters reflects the brand’s identity well and presents the product as the main focal point. However, as well as this the email begins with a strong and undeniable statement. You’ve left the site without buying anything but this email is sent as a reminder of why you should return and complete the purchase. The newsletter clearly highlights the benefits of using their brand and is persuasive without being forceful or annoying.

Note the triangular design of the top of the newsletter that includes the logo, company name, header, CTA and link to buying the product. Studies have shown that you should include all your important details here, as this is picked up by eye-tracking tools as the place that customers are first drawn to. So, include all your important bits and pieces here in your next newsletter design.

Use this newsletter to think about how you could design a similar note for any customers who have shown interest but not completed the purchase!


2. Using Video To Engage Customers

Wistia is also a great brand to follow for engaging newsletters. They are light, clearly laid out and very simple, yet effective. Also, they are a great example of how to use video in a newsletter.


If video is relevant to the subject of the newsletter, they will include a short film. This shows their customer very clearly how they can help. These videos are more engaging and provide a link to the website homepage, increasing traffic.

Why not try using more engaging and different formats like video and audio in your next campaign?


3. Eye-Catching Design

If you want to redesign your newsletter to include more graphics and neater designs then you have to take a look at Litmus newsletters.

Litmus using its blog posts to create the core content. However, their content is also condensed and are perfectly matched with partnering simple graphics.


They have a theme and colour every month and use the graphics on the newsletters. This creates a strong image-based campaign.


So, now you should be inspired to create the perfect newsletters for your brand! Whether you’re a B2B or B2C business your marketing materials shouldn’t be boring. Mix up the style and layout of your newsletters from time to time and draw inspiration from your competitors.

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