How To Create The Perfect Welcome Email For New Subscribers

Your email marketing strategy should be all about personalisation and creating a welcoming experience for customers who want to hear more from your brand. Loyal customers are crucial for your business as they increase web traffic and materialize sales.

Therefore, why not send out a welcome email to new subscribers to your newsletter? This can be a way of thanking the interested customer for their address, and reminding of how your brand can help them either now or in the future.

So how you can create a welcome email that secures brand loyalty from a customer and creates a long-lasting impression? Here are our top factors to consider…



1. Subject Line

Firstly, your email subject line needs to start the conversation with a customer. A good subject line can be the difference between readers opening (or ignoring) your email, so make sure it is engaging and clear.

Tempt your reader with a question or the offer of a free giveaway that you know they won’t be able to resist.




2. Begin By Saying Thank You

Now your visitor has subscribed to your email newsletter, make sure that you thank them for their interest.

Why not offer them an exclusive discount to get them started? Make sure you include a link to your shop or latest promotion so it’s just a case of them clicking the link.





3. Focus on Your Email Introduction

It is key that your introduction captures the reader’s attention without being too long or boring. With a welcome email, it can be a good idea to talk about your brand in your intro. Introduce who you are and what you do in a few short sentences. Ensure that this isn’t too sales-y otherwise you reader will just switch off. Maybe add a branded explainer video that is concise and doesn’t overwhelm your reader with too much information.




4. Explain The Benefits

Make sure your intro email is as positive as possible. Your subscribers should be fully informed about the benefits of the email and working with your company. here you can talk briefly about your loyalty programs or discounts.





5. Plug Your Social Media

Don’t forget to mention your other social media channels and include links to them. Your customer is obviously already interested in your brand so give them more ways to stay informed via social media.

If possible, you could also include links to surveys or pages to collect more data or further personalise your email marketing efforts.



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6. Include Enough CTAs In Your Email

Your first email is your first chance to seal the deal and build brand loyalty. So, make sure that you include CTAs (Call-To-Action) to ensure that your new subscribers make a purchase. Did you know that new leads are most engaged within the first 48 hours? So, take advantage of this and make sure you have links to promotions, new product or discounted services that your new customers can sign up to.



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7. Ask For Feedback

The perfect first email will also make sure that your customers understand that you listen to them and build your brand around their needs. Offer easy to access support and encourage people to reply to your email for more information/feedback.

Hopefully, not all feedback will be negative, as positive feedback can be used as testimonials in your next campaign!



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8. Keep Your Email Short, Sweet and Subtle

Remember that this email needs to capture the attention of your audience, without being too sales-based. Welcome your readers, quickly introduce them to exclusive promotions then thank them and remind them when you’ll next be in touch. Be subtle with your sales approach, focusing on the positives your brand can bring and how you can solve any or all of their pain points related to your industry.


If done correctly this first welcome email can establish and secure a long term relationship with your new subscribers. Use the above action points to make the best first impression possible and secure these potential customers from the minute they sign up for your newsletter!

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