How To Use Your Email Signature To Market Your Next Event

As well as your email marketing campaign, you can use your general business newsletters and signature to engage current customers in your next big event or promotion.

In short, email signature marketing refers to using your signature as a marketing tool. In other words, achieving your marketing goals even when you are sending out notes to your contacts.

There are several different ways and different aims you can focus on when creating your signature. Here are a few of your options…


Using Signatures to Build Brand Awareness


email signature


Your signature probably currently contains your contact details so any recipients can get back to you easily. However, why can’t it also be used to promote an event or new product release? Your customers are receiving emails from you every day so why not use your signature to remind them of things that may interest them?

For general brand awareness create a signature banner with;

  1. Your contact details
  2. Link to your website
  3. Company logo
  4. Business tagline
  5. Links to Social Media Profiles or an Invite to Connect

It may seem like a lot of info, but if done correctly this banner can be inviting and encourage customers to interact with you on different platforms.



Create Event Banner Email Signature Campaigns


email signature

Maybe you’ve got a specific event coming up? If so, a banner ad on your email signature can remind current customers, creating new or different business and raising the profile of the event. Banners could be used to advertise the different interim goals you have, such as;

  1. Advertising the new or latest content on your website
  2. New Products or Services
  3. Advertising Deals or Giveaways
  4. Event Advertising
  5. Generating Leads
  6. Generating New Sales

When creating a banner you need to keep a few things in mind though;

  • Make sure your signature looks consistent
  • Don’t use banners that are too bright or colourful and don’t match your brand
  • Pay close attention to size – they shouldn’t dominate your overall email as this can become annoying to customers
  • Be creative – make them static or animated, horizontally stretched or side-aligned
  • Make them Clickable – Make sure that your customer can easily click-through so that it’s as easy as possible for them to find out more or sign-up.


So, why not try creating an email signature that advertises your next event? If you need help creating an email signature banner get in touch with our team by clicking the button below. We can create signatures that get your brand noticed!


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