5 Facts That Illustrate The Power of Email Marketing

Still not convinced of the power of email marketing?  Here are five facts that will make you rethink your digital marketing campaign to include a monthly email newsletter!


1. Email Marketing Is 40 Times More Effective At Acquiring New Customers Than Facebook Or Twitter

Whilst we would never recommend ignoring social media in your marketing campaign, it is important to remember how much more effective e-newsletter marketing can be in some cases. Therefore, a combination of the two creates the most ideal marketing strategy.

This statistic by McKinsey & Co. illustrates that despite it being a much older form of communication than social media, it is still relevant in the current marketing climate. Therefore, look after and use your email subscriber list, as the sales power this has is highly influential.


2. Email Marketing Has An ROI of 4400%

Email marketing, on average makes $44 for every $1 spent. This is a great Return On Investment (ROI) for your brand!

This proves that email marketing is definitely still relevant in today’s society, especially when used to promote new products and deals.

Create intriguing newsletters with links to new products that you know your subscribers will actually be interested in. This way you can give your subscribers valuable information, without annoying them with too much information.

3. 90% Of Emails Get Delivered To The Intended Recipient’s Inbox, Whereas Only 2% Of Your Facebook Fans See Your Posts In Their News Feed

This is, of course, without targetted ad spend. However, this stat proves that if you want to talk directly to your audience, then this is the best way to reach them. With a Facebook business account, your reach is limited. This is because 1) Facebook doesn’t want to annoy your customers with loads of brand posts but also 2) Facebook wants a reason for you to boost your posts and pay for ad spend.

Therefore, if a customer gives you their address it is an incredibly powerful piece of information. Use it carefully, don’t bombard them with deals or information, give them exactly what they need.

4. 72% Of People Prefer To Recieve Promotional Content Through Emails

This is compared to 17% who prefer content distributed to them via social media.

Your customers tend to actually prefer deals and discounts sent directly to their email rather than on social media as it is something they can look back at and click straight through to a web link.

Think about this the next time you’re considering what to send out on social media and in your e-newsletters. Try to vary your content to suit the different audiences on both platforms.


5. 92% Of Online Adults Use Email, With 61% Using It On An Average Day

Let’s face it, you want to communicate with a prospective client on a platform they look at every day. With e-newsletters, your customers are more likely to take notice of notifications as this is where they’re looking for correspondence.

Email is also a very widely used platform. Whereas older age groups may have Facebook, lots don’t use Snapchat. However, all your younger audience may use Snapchat but not be signed up to Facebook. Email is a happy medium. A platform that everyone is contactable on, and expects messages from brands and companies, so they are more receptive to this.

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