4 reasons why Facebook is still the king of social media

With 2.80 billion monthly active users, which translates to 1.84 billion users visiting the social networking site on a daily basis, 17 years after they first launched, Facebook has successfully lived up to its goal, “to bring the world closer together”. And its popularity doesn’t seem to be waning anytime soon. Marketers and brands cannot […]
4 ways to make good use of data

If you want actionable insights that deliver results for your brand, then you need to be asking your customers the right questions and collecting the right data. By asking the right questions, you will be able to zero in on their goals, issues and needs. The data gathered from these questions will help to build […]
4 reasons why you need to get your business online

Surprisingly, there are many micro business owners and sole traders that still believe that they can run a successful business from a Facebook page and grow it simply by word of mouth. Given the limited size of their business, the perception is that small businesses either don’t need to go online, or if they do, […]
Inbound Marketing 101

What is it? Coined in 2006 by HubSpot, inbound marketing refers to the methodology used in marketing designed to pull visitors and customers towards a business, as appose to outbound marketing which pushes a brand, product or service out into the market with the goal of generated leads and customers. The Process In digital marketing, […]
3 tips to succeed at working remotely
I love to travel, be outdoors as often as possible and like to get any work done as soon as it comes in, so the concept and reality of remote work makes perfect sense to me. Many people thrive working remotely, whether that’s from home or on the road and are motivated by the freedom […]
In-house Marketing vs Using an Agency

Your business is growing and you need to set your brand apart from all your competitors, which leaves you with a critical decision to make: Should you hire an in-house marketer to join your team or should you hire a marketing agency? Every burgeoning business, no matter how big or small, reaches the point where […]
What is social listening?
In order to build an effective social strategy you need knowledge about your audience and their behaviour. This is where social listening comes in.
4 Tips For Success When Working From Home
As part of social distancing, people have been asked to work from home where possible. Working from home can be tough when you’re in the same room for hours on end so we’ve put together a guide for surviving working from home – these tips and techniques are used by our team and we hope […]
Using Video Content to Promote Your Property Business

In 2016, 37% of marketers said that social media posts with visuals or video content were the most important and effective form of content for their business.
Instagram for Business – Best Practices 2018
2018 is almost over and marketers are already taking stock of some radical shifts and changes in the way social media is being used by businesses.