6 Reasons to use Video Marketing for an Effective Recruitment Strategy

Video is a must-have for recruiters

Video marketing and content production are both things you should absolutely consider as part of your recruiting strategy. In today’s blog, we look at six of the main reasons to develop and implement a video-focused, content-driven recruitment strategy. An absolute must for attracting, and in some cases pre-qualifying, top talent for your available role or roles.

Long story short: Video marketing engages and attracts the right talent faster and more effectively than anything else.

Do you really need a video for a recruitment strategy?

Put simply – yes, obviously. Even before Covid, 85% of all internet traffic came from the consumption of online video!

If you want to keep your brand at the forefront of potential candidates’ minds, you need to be creating video. Much in the same way you should be using video to sell your products and services to customers, you should also consider video marketing to sell your jobs to job seekers. Developing and implementing a comprehensive video-based recruiting strategy is a must for every company that wants to be successful at attracting and hiring top talent.

The digital talent gap we’ve experienced in Jersey recently means that talent doesn’t stay out there for very long. In order to win in the battle for top candidates’ attention, you need to stay on top of the leading recruitment trends and best practices – including using video in recruitment.

Still not convinced? Read on to discover top 6 statistics which prove the benefits of video marketing in recruitment!

6 reasons why video marketing should be part of your recruitment strategy​

Developing a video-based recruiting strategy has many concrete and tangible advantages. Here are 6 key reasons why you should use video in your recruitment strategy:

Reason #1 : To stay competitive

According to Aberdeen’s talent acquisition research, best-in-class companies are 75% more likely to use video tools for employer branding which enables them to attract the attention of top talent much faster and easier. This means that if you want to stay competitive and be able to compete with other companies for the attention of the top talent, you simply have to implement a video strategy.

Reason #2: To save money

Aberdeen’s talent acquisition research also reported that companies with video interviewing tools in place are 2.7 times more likely to improve their cost per hire on a year-to-year basis, as compared with companies without such tools in place. In other words, using video interviewing tools will reduce your recruiting costs. Enough said.

Reason #3: To hire faster

Companies who use video interviewing improved their time to hire by 60% (Aberdeen). Did you know that top candidates stay on the market for 10 days only? On the other hand, an overwhelming 70% of companies need more than 30 days to process a new hire, according to LinkedIn. If you’re among them, you can definitely profit from using video interviewing tools!

Reason #4: To reach passive candidates

With today’s record low unemployment rates, most of your potential job candidates are already employed. These candidates won’t visit job boards or your career site, so social media may be the only way to reach them. According to findings by Impact, social videos generate 1200% more shares than text and images combined. In other words, if you want your passive candidates to see your company’s social media posts, include a video in them!

Reason #5: To generate more applications

If you want to make your job postings stand out, there is a simple way to do it – turn your job description into a video! If you include a video in your job posting, it will attract more attention, views, clicks and most importantly, convince reluctant talent to apply. Job postings with video marketing are viewed 12% more than postings without video and have a 34% greater application rate, according to research conducted by Career Builder.

Reason #6: To attract young talent

Today, millennials are expected to overtake baby boomers in the workforce as their numbers swell to 73 million and boomers declined to 72 million. These new generations have different preferences and habits, which you need to take into account in order to recruit them. A recent Oath Video Content Preference study confirmed that millennials consume more online video than any other audience. When making a purchase decision, 4 in 5 millennials look for video content as a form of research, according to Social Media Today These statistics clearly show why you simply must use a video in recruitment.

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