Why Images are Essential in Content Marketing

The first lesson we learn in content marketing is to use and create graphics, imagery and video. But if you needed more persuasion to invest time and effort into content creation and image production, here are the facts!

1. Images are More Memorable

People tend to retain data 3 days later if it is presented to them with an image. If you want them to remember your company add a

logo or infographic to simplify the information and ensure they recognise your brand at a later date. Also, the brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. So, not only will they remember you, but customers will understand what you’re telling them much more clearly.

2. Images Get More Engagement

Adding a photo to your tweet can get you more than 150% more retweets than those without. Similarly, on Facebook, posts with images get 2.3 times more engagement than those that are text-based. If you want your audience to engage with what you post, just add graphics. Images can take a blog post link and make it interesting, encouraging your potential customers to click through to your website. If you don’t have images, then create your own infographics as these are likes and shared three times more on social media than text-based posts.

3. They Keep Potential Customers on Your Site

Eye tracking studies have shown that Internet readers spend more time looking at images than text. So, keep your customers on your site with intriguing imagery that will simplify any text posts. The longer people are on your site, the better your bounce rate and of course, the more likely they are to become customers or look at your different services.

Images and graphics are an essential part of content marketing so start creating your own that effectively represent your brand and build your audience base.

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