What Does the Future of Video Marketing Hold?

According to recent studies by the year, 2022 online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic. That means that although video is already hugely popular it is set to become even more so in the near future.

But, what exactly does the future hold for video, and how can your brand stay ahead of the competition when it comes to video marketing?

1. The Future of Streaming

Although streaming video is already very popular, in the future will see more and more streaming on the mainstream platforms. Things like Facebook Live and Twitch are increasingly growing in popularity. So, look at live video streaming and how your brand can get involved. At the moment 47% of 17 to 49 year olds consider themselves “light” traditional television viewers, with 27% not watching traditional television at all.

So, gone are the days of using TV advertising to target youth groups. Now you’ll have to turn to Mixer or YouTube Live Streaming.


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2. Netflix Is The Future

With this decreased use of TV viewing comes the future of rising Netflix popularity. The streaming site does still fall closely behind YouTube as a streaming video provider it still has over 72.9 million monthly users. With its accessibility in over 200 countries, this provides a worldwide market for advertising your brand.


Therefore, if your brand isn’t producing video or advertising on popular streaming sites you could start falling behind.

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