What Are Keywords?

It doesn’t matter if your website is fully mobile optimised, well designed and easy to navigate if the people who are searching for you aren’t finding your site via common keywords.

This is why keywords are so important for your business. These words ensure that you are found by people in Google search, thus improving your SEO and brand awareness.


How do Keywords work?

Essentially, these are the words that users type into a search engine when looking for a company in your industry. You want your site to have these keywords in so you come up before any of your competitors and the Google search user clicks on your website first.

Keywords can be split into two categories; long tail and singular.

Singular keywords are often your business’s main focus as they have a high search volume. However, these words are often widely used by your competitors. For example, if you’re a fashion brand you want to rank for the word “clothes”. However so do all fashion brands. Therefore, you’re unlikely to come top of the search engine over large fashion companies just by using this phrase.

Long-tail keywords are more clearly defined than singular words. Where a singular keyword could be “hat”, long-tail words would be more specific. For example, using phrases such as “summer hats” or “wedding hats for mother of the bride”!

Because of their specificity, long-tail keywords have less competition. This allows smaller businesses to target a specific audience so their site comes top of more detailed search results.


So, how do you make use of keywords?

Unfortunately, you can’t just throw lots of the key terms onto your site to increase its SEO and ability as a marketing tool.

Rather, use unique keywords on each page of your site. These should be used in the title tag, body text and image alt text. If your page focuses on creating interesting content that relates to these words then your SEO should improve without increasing your bounce rate.

Tomorrow we will look at how you actually determine what words and phrases will improve your brand’s SEO.


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