Our Top Tips For Creating Effective Facebook Ads

As Facebook’s advertising platform continues to restrict business’s organic growth and reach it is important that we start considering Facebook ads and boosted posts. That being said, here are our top five best practice tips to remember when creating and using Facebook advertising.


1.Set An Objective

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Too often we start an ad campaign without first considering what we want to achieve from it. And, how can we measure its success if we have no goals?

That’s why our first tip is to set a simple goal. This could be to increase brand awareness, improve reach or even as specific a goal as to increase the number of app downloads you get. Whatever your goal make sure you set one!


2. Consider Ad Placements

Ad placement Image Matters Our Top Tips For Creating Effective Facebook Ads

Remember to think about where your Facebook ads will be seen on someone’s timeline. Does it go to the newsfeed, stories, Instagram feed or even in Messenger? Facebook ads recommend you tick all boxes, but only you know where you need to be seen to attract attention. Go through and carefully consider where you want your brand to be seen and tick all the boxes that apply.


3. Set Budgets

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As well as talking about an internal budget, make sure you stick to it by adding it to Facebook ads’ “Campaign Budget Optimization” settings. This sets a budget across all ad placements.

If you don’t do this Facebook will give different budget priorities to different ad placements. What facebook thinks may not be the same as you and your aims!


4. Keep It Mobile-First

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Social media is now a predominately mobile-first experience, so remember this when you create your Facebook ads. Your ad will most probably be seen on Instagram as well as Facebook. Therefore, as well as being creative and pretty, your ad needs to suit both platforms and ad placements.

Ultimately, make sure that your Facebook ads look great and suit mobile users. For example, don’t say “click the link on your desktop” in your ad, keep it neutral or mobile-based.


5. Target Effectively

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One of the most important parts of Facebook advertising is to consider who you want to target the ad to. Consider broad vs specific targeting. In the past, it was often recommended to be as specific as possible when deciding who to target your ad to. however, due to competition and Facebook’s tricky algorithm being too specific can lead to costly and ineffective results.

Consider maybe casting your net a little broader so Facebook has more touchpoints to learn from and will look to optimize your ad to target people who are more likely to take action on your ad.


Overall, Facebook advertising can be incredibly effective if done correctly. Consider the above points when creating ads to make sure that you are creating adverts that will get as many click-throughs as possible and interest as many people as you can.

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