Is your SEO working for your brand?

Some brands spend an awful amount of money on SEO promises that aren’t being fulfilled. So, how do you know if your sites optimisation is even improving? It’s important to remember that search engine optimisation is more than just ads and keywords. Rather SEO needs constant maintenance and updates to ensure that your brand doesn’t fall behind.

Is your SEO audited regularly? Does your optimisation package include carefully considered and targetted content that will build an active audience?

If not, or if you’re not too sure what exactly your paying for this can be detrimental to the development of your brand.


So, why is a maintained and monitored SEO plan important for your brand?


1. SEO Improves your Organic Search Results

The goal of any website is to be found so your customers can use your services or buy your products. This ensures that your brand is the first to be found in your service area. More often than not, if you’re not on the first page of a search result, you’re not going to get the click-through from a customer you want. Search engine optimisation building improves your results, meaning you will work your way up the search results until you can be found first!


2. SEO Builds Credibility

This not only puts your website first but assures your customers that you are a credible and trustworthy brand. This can be done via content curation as part of your SEO plan. The more links back to your website, the more likely you are to be found by potential customers!


3. SEO means your Customers have a better experience

Optimal user experience is a big part of improving your SEO. Google has already learned how to determine whether your website provides a good experience to your customers. Thus, it will send users to websites that offer the best experience.

Good SEO and website maintenance will ensure that you’re not only the top site in the search results, but also that your user stays on your user-friendly website and becomes a potential customer.


4. Local SEO Means Increased Engagement and Web Traffic

Local SEO will ensure that your customers nearby can find you easily.  Focusing on specific towns and cities in your plan will promote engagement on a local level converting neighbours into customers.


With our SEO improvement packages, we offer a range of services including; analysis, research, keyword development, Google ads, Content creation and website updates. All these features ensure that your website stands out and can be found easily by potential customers.

If you want to explore some improved digital footprint packages, including SEO analysis and maintained improvement, then get in touch with our team here.

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