If your brand is looking to host a webinar, ensure you get the best turn out and traction by developing an all-encompassing marketing strategy.
Here are our top tips for promoting webinars online.
1. Create Content for your webinar
Ensure that, as well as creating social media posts, you also create content that advertises your webinar. Think about blog posts on topics that you’re going to cover at the event and how you can interest your audience in the themes of the event.
Whet the appetite of your audience with videos, infographics and articles that introduce them to your brand and give them reasons why they need to attend the webinar.
2. Schedule on Social Media
Start scheduling reminder posts and content about the event well in advance. Ensure that your Facebook pinned post has a sign-up link with clear calls-to-action. This way you can consistently remind your audience of the event, without bombarding them, and give them enough time to sign up for a place on the event.
3. Advertise your webinar
Don’t be afraid to put a little bit of money behind your posts to increase their reach. When posting a sign-up link to the webinar look at the audience you want to target and ensure that the post reaches them by boosting it.
This way your social media posts can reach further than just the people who currently like your page.
4. Network
Finally, remember to network and mention the event to others in your industry. Ensure that your whole team is fully behind the webinar and can explain why you should go and what your customers can get out of it. This way your whole team become ambassadors for the event.
Remember to also include the dates and sign up link in your email signature. This way, any correspondents can see your upcoming event and also get involved.