How To Design An Email Marketing Campaign That Gets You Noticed

Are you getting bored with your email marketing designs, or looking for a way to engage more readers? We know how effective email marketing can be if done right! So, here’s our guide to revamping your email marketing campaign with this seasons top trends!


Intelligent Email Marketing Designs

2019 is expected to be the year technology and design elements combine to create engaging and effective campaigns. With intelligent design, your subscribers can now take direct action to campaigns within their email address box.

From innovative designs to include gamification elements, this year will see design be used to make sure you can do anything in your email. Start small, but effectively, with personalized messages and unique designs, then one day you’ll hopefully be allowing customers to play games directly in your email marketing newsletter.

APNG In Email Marketing

APNG is an extension of the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format to support animated images. This means you can start using gifs and animations to engage readers in your marketing campaigns. APNG is even better than the standard GIF format as it is much lighter than GIFs. This means the email won’t open slow or not work as effectively if you decide to use animate in future emails.


AMP In Email Marketing

In 2018 Gmail announced the addition of native support for dynamic and interactive emails powered by AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). AMP powered emails ensure that the customer has the ability to click links, buy products and book stays all within the email itself. So, your customers won’t need to leave the email, allowing you to better understand how users have actually interacted with your emails. If you have access to this then we fully recommend you trying this out.


Switch Up Your Layout

Sometimes you will get more interaction within your campaigns if you defamiliarize your audience with new and exciting layouts. The usual and expected layout is a header image, concise copy then a CTA and visual. However, why not try splitting up your content into columns, adding clickable text over featured images and having a surprise element to your usual emails?





Visual Developments

With advancements in visuals, the future of email marketing looks increasingly intriguing. 3D memes and photos have entered the world of Facebook and are also now available on this marketing platform.

Custom illustrations are also a great way to increase email engagement. Think about your brand, what works for you and try to create engaging visuals that fit into this ideal.


Live Social Media

Another trend being used more and more in email marketing is to incorporate a live social media feed in your campaigns. This gives a better integration for customers, encouraging them to follow you on social media and build a deeper connection.


Typography and Fonts

Try to change up the fonts and typography used in email campaigns regularly to engage customers who may be used to seeing the same thing every month. Innovative fonts and typography can add a wow factor to the correspondence, capturing the subscriber’s attention.

That being said keep it relevant to your brand and consistent to your image. If you’re a  tech service provider maybe avoid script type fonts! Always make sure all of the copy is still legible for customers. With Adobe tools you can now create images that are much more engaging and impactful than ever before.


Did you know that adding a video to an email could increase the open rate by 19% and the click-through by 50%? Therefore, this is an ever-increasing trend for marketers and service providers as video is quickly proving to be one of the most effective methods of communication.

Try experimenting with short video clips that are relevant to the theme you are sending out that month. See what works for your customers as video will soon be expected in video marketing!



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