3 Key Mistakes To Avoid In Chatbot Marketing

Chatbots use in sales, customer services and marketing are on the rise. These AI devices are simple to use and are always on giving you an opportunity to connect with customers 24/7. Although chatbots can automate time-consuming processes and increase efficiency there are some common mistakes you need to avoid when constructing your next chatbot campaign.

Firstly, what are chatbots?

The most basic type of bot is the scripted bot. This gives a pre-determined answer to common questions that customers may ask you on social media or Facebook Messenger. However, with the rise of social media marketing and AI and automation, there is now a wide range of chatbots available for you to use.

Nowadays, with this type of technology, you are able to change the relationship and journey between the brand and the customer. A report in 2017 highlighted that 34% of consumers actually now like to communicate with a chatbot or virtual assistant as they receive quicker answers to their questions.

Because of all the benefits that come with chatbots more and more businesses are jumping on the AI bandwagon and offering their customers the ability to connect with artificial customer services representatives. However, with more and more brands looking to use chatbots you need to be aware of the common mistakes and avoid them!


1. Little Or No Strategy

When it comes to chatbots, many brands are not fully prepared for their effective use before they set up their campaigns. Remember, bots are just a tool. If you want to make sure they make an impact then you need to have a fully thought out plan behind their use.

Firstly, consider the goal of using this type of technology. Is it to drive traffic, cut costs with customer service automation, to personalise customer experience leading to higher retention rates?

Your plan must consider all of your aims in order to develop a strategy that accomplishes these goals.


2. No secure holding page or website

As with all marketing you are using these promotions to drive traffic back to a source, where your customer can find out more information or complete a purchase. If you don’t have a website with all the details that your audience can return to, to complete their customer journey then, ultimately, the campaign is not going to work as well as it could.

Make sure you have an SEO webpage or site before you start putting any effort into your marketing to ensure you make the most out of your campaigns.


3. Bots And Campaigns That Are Too Pushy

Now, we know we want your chatbots to be active to build brand awareness and introduce your brand to new customers. However, if they are too active they can become annoying.

Some bots can try too hard to get customer engagement, resulting in a stream of unread and solicited messages.

Talk to us about designing a chatbot that gauges customer response and interest in order to interact with customers you know will welcome the new information.



Chatbots are the future of marketing and offer a wide range of new possibilities for brands. However, you need to make sure they’re used carefully sand considerately in order to be effective! Avoid these common mistakes and see your brand thrive vis the use of AI.



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