Snapchat have launched a new feature called Here For You, that will provide “proactive in-app support to Snapchatters” who might be experiencing an emotional or mental health crisis or for people looking to educate themselves on the matter or to find ways to support friends.
Here For You will start to roll out in the coming months and will “show safety resources from local experts when Snapchatters search for certain topics” which will include topics relating to bullying, anxiety, depression amongst others.
For example, if a user were to type the word “anxiety” into Snapchat’s search function, publisher videos linked to the word will appear in the search results as well as the platform’s own show “Chill Pill”.
Snapchat isn’t the only platform that has been creating new features to help increase the wellbeing of its users. TikTok has recently introduced their “TikTok Tips” account and Google have been releasing multiple apps tracking screen time.