8 Common Web Design Mistakes You Should Avoid

A good and well-designed landing page is very important to ensure a low bounce rate and engaged audience. When creating content, your main aim is to draw your customers back to a landing page. However, even if your content is engaging, if you have common mistakes on your page it can destroy all the hard work that went into content creation.

So, what are the common mistakes that brands make and how can we avoid them?


1. Sales talk

If your first page has too many calls-to-action, this can be off-putting for potential customers who feel they are being forced into a sales pitch, when in reality they came to browse and buy on their own terms. One call-to-action with compelling copy and tried and tested links makes the user’s pathway clear and less confusing.




2. Low-quality content

If your site has poorly written copy with grammatical mistakes and long paragraphs this can deter users from reading on. Ensure that you have clear, easy to read paragraphs, with bullet points that grab the reader’s attention rather than turning them away.


3. Typography Mistakes

The last thing you want, after you’ve built an effective webpage with good copy and keywords is for the font to be unreadable.

Make sure that the size, colour and type of font is all clear on the web page by testing your site. Ensure that the background isn’t too busy so all copy can be read.




4. Imagery

If low-quality or no images are used at all on your landing pages your audience can become easily disinterested and leave your webpage.

Think about where your images are placed on your landing page and ensure that all images clearly illustrate points you are trying to make, as most visitors skim-read the copy on your page to see if they can find what they’re looking for on your site. Use high-quality images without watermarks to highlight that your brand pays attention to detail and thus will provide a high-quality service to your potential customers as well.


5. Confusing Forms

If your aim on your site is to encourage sign-ups via e-forms or subscriptions then make sure a link to this form can be found on your landing page. Otherwise, this small mistake will cause you to lose interested customers.

Furthermore, if your form is too confusing or long potential signups won’t be inclined to finish the form, regardless of the rewards you are offering in return for doing so. Don’t ask for too much personal information, focus on email addresses and generalised locations instead.



6. Cluttered Pages

A cluttered or confusing landing page that isn’t easy to read can be off-putting for visitors

Keep in mind that users tend to read left to right, top to bottom and create a landing page that is simple and clear.

Focus on creating an attention-grabbing headline with subheadings and images finishing with a call-to-action or form to secure your customers.


7. Slow Loading Pages

If your page takes too long to load potential visitors will give up and abandon your website for your competitors. Don’t make this common mistake!

A single second delay in your website loading time can result in a 7% loss in conversion. Also, 40% of web users will abandon a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load! We obviously don’t have a lot of patience when it comes to online resources!

So, avoid using unnecessary sliders and technical features that could increase your page loading time and cause you to lose new customers.


8. Not Mobile Compatible

75% of internet users in 2017 were from a mobile device. So, if your website isn’t mobile compatible you are at risk of losing a lot of customers.

Ensure that your site works on mobile and test with independent parties to be sure. Also, consider how easy your forms are to fill out on mobile devices so that you can establish customer retention even from mobile searches.


These common mistakes are easily avoidable, yet many brands aren’t considering these simple factors in their web designs. Avoid silly mistakes that cost you potential customers to ensure that your site can be seen by as many people as possible, without tarnishing your brand reputation.


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