5 Reasons Why Your Brand Should be Podcasting

This month we’ve talked a lot about the importance of content marketing. But, if you’ve already got a strong blog and are creating engaging videos, how can you take your content marketing strategy a step further? Well, the answer could be podcasting!

You’ve already got the written content, so why not try translating it to a different, audio, audience to generate more traffic to your website?


So, why should we start a Podcast?


1. Podcasting builds a better relationship with your audience

We always talk about the importance of humanising your brand via sharing photos of your team and behind the scenes video. But, what if your brand could actually talk? Podcasting allows your audience to experience this, interact with the presenters and have their questions directly answered. Even though Podcasting is essentially a one-sided medium, the fact that the episodes are regularly updated, and the audience can communicate with the presenters via social media, means that it builds a better relationship with your customers and brand.

Once your customers have this relationship, they are less likely to be swayed to move to your competitors!


2. It’s Content you’ve already created

If you use your blog post and create a mini-talk show around these topics, then podcasts should be relatively easy to produce. All you need is a good quality microphone, some free editing software and an hour or so of your time to record it. Don’t just read your blog post aloud, focus on answering some common questions surrounding the same topic and thus your content will be further elevated.


3. Podcasts allow you to connect with a different, more engaging audience

There is a lot of written content available to your audience already, therefore Podcasts are becoming a welcome difference to this traditional content form. Podcasts can have a very committed and loyal audience, who wouldn’t necessarily find your written content as appealing. Therefore, this widens your audience base with listeners who trust your words, and thus, your brand.

One survey found that out of 300,000 podcast listeners, 63% had bought what their host had promoted. Therefore, this proves that podcasts have a loyal audience, who, if you provide effective content, will trust what you say.


4. Storytelling is a Highly Effective Form of Marketing

With a Podcast, you are effectively telling your audience a story. This form of entertaining an engaging content is hard to create, but when done correctly, very successful. People are already spending time on their mobiles, so you know you will have an active audience ready. Customers will no longer listen to content that is purely advertising based, you need to educate, engage and entertain. Podcasts do this by storytelling.


5. Podcast build Authority, SEO and Make You Stand Out

In conclusion, Podcasts can basically solve all your digital marketing needs!

As a Podcaster, you can present yourself and your brand as an industry leader and expert that your customer can learn from and return to. With this authority, you stand out from your competitors as the business for customers to turn to.

With more and more content, as we’ve learnt, your SEO will undoubtedly improve. Podcasts provide strong links back to your brand or website, improving your SEO and digital presence. Thus, you will soon be climbing up to the top result on Google in no time.


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