5 Reasons to Add Messenger to Your Website

If you’ve visited our website recently you may have noticed that we’ve added a Facebook chat option. Here at Image Matters, we are constantly looking for innovative features and techniques in order to streamline our website and create the most friendly user experience. Because of this, we’ve added the chat feature to allow our clients to contact us easily whenever they have questions, want quotes or need more information on our services.

Despite this feature making the customer journey easier, many businesses still don’t have this option on their website.

So, here are our top five reasons why your brand needs to add the customer chat feature to your website right now!

1. Messenger allows frictionless communication

With over one billion active Facebook users it is more than likely that the vast majority of your users will have access to the app and messenger. This means that adding at chat option to your website allows them to immediately talk to you via just one click. Most websites currently use an email sign up form. However, with many people having more than one email address, often your reply can get lost in a misread email. Chat allows ease of communication immediately between you and your viewer. Thus, increasing the chances of turning these interested parties into active customers.


2. Messenger allows you to build a list of interested customers

Much like with email subscriptions, having a messenger chat system allows your customers to become part of your messenger list. This allows your brand to branch out into a very new but highly effective form of advertising, messenger marketing.

Messenger is very different from email, as most people are excited to receive a message over an email. As well as this most people are actively using and checking messenger (or receiving notifications) every day. Establishing a list of audience members on Messenger allows you to develop efficient Messenger campaigns that effectively turn potential customers into active clients.


3. Messenger allows deeper customer connections to be made

Unlike email, Messenger can already give you lots of information on your potential customer. You can immediately see their name, gender and location, allowing you to personalise your messages. Personalised marketing is incredibly effective as a recent study found that over 78% of consumers will only engage with an offer if it is personalised. Therefore, Messenger chats on your website allow a more intimate form of relationship building, ensuring longevity in the customer’s loyalty.


4. Messenger allows automation for FAQs

As well as being personalised Messenger also creates a more efficient response process than email sign-ups and replies. After establishing Messenger you can create responses to your most commonly asked questions. This not only saves you time but also ensures that your customers are not waiting for a reply from you for a simple question. This efficiency is, therefore, a benefit for both your brand and your customers, a win-win!


5. Messenger allows the right person to answer the question

Chatbots allow you to hand over the question to the most applicable member of the team. Unlike with email sign-ups, which go to one address, all of your staff can have access to the message. Thus your customer received the most informed and effective response.


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